Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My New Baby Chicks

Video of my baby chicks.   I put a feather duster in with them when they were 3 days old and I wanted to share --- I thought it was so ~CUTE ~ hope you enjoy ....

Monday, April 28, 2014

A Month Later

It has been a very busy month for This Family.   Jessica and Babies (daughter and grandbabies) have moved out,  they moved the second week of this month.  I have been busy re-organizing the bedroom - after 5 years its a mighty job,  still working on it.  Went to my Moms for Easter seen my Son Robie and Grandson Kaden and my Niece Kaytlyn, went to the beach . Back homeMonday and Tuesday my baby chicks arrived (wasn't ready, thought they were to arrive the 25th).  Busy busy got them set up with in an hour.  Also got a new pup (4 months) not quite potty trained - working on that.. gorgeous lil girl we named her Sandie Beach,  she is Akita-inu/Anatolian Shepherd.  AND not to mention setting a small garden up around my chicken coop.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Well I said I was going to post more Photos of ours "Back Road Junkies" and that's what I want to do  -  

 This was an amazing find .... I love History and knowing that other people go out there to make a statement or point such Amazing things is just a Feel Good Feeling.

Five Oaks
This cluster of threes has weathered hundreds
of years of lighting strikes, strong wind, dry
spells, followed by wet spells and cattle rustlers
once hanging on a rope from its limbs, and
yet still stands like a silent sentinel to the
early pioneers who blazed this historical trail.

This "The Rock Park"  so beautiful and so much fun.
It is a natural park of Rocks.(Hugh ROCKS.)

This is an amazing and Historical Town in Texas..   I know you would love this Place if you ever have the opportunity to visit.
I have a ton of Photos - We have been visiting this town for  *wow*  about 15 years now and it is as amazing as the first time.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

                                "Back Road Junkies"

We love going for rides on weekends in the country maybe take a few photos or do some geocaches.  I call us the "Back Road Junkies."  This weekend,  actually Saturday we headed east from home,  had a great day found 13 caches and took a couple of photos.

Here are two photos I took both of the same tree one is a close up of the trunk --

Not quite sure what kind of tree this is,  but was amazed at the Beauty of it.  And how old it could be.

Last weekend we headed west to Glen Rose - "Dinosaur Capital of Texas."   As the "Back Road Junkies."   We took a lot of Beautiful Photos.  We also did a lot of geocaches.   Here are just a few of the photos we took.

The River is "The Paluxy River"... there is no excess to the side where the Beavers have been so busy.  And yes I can't wait to go back and see how far the have gotten.   NATURE what an amazing thing.   I have several more photos I plan on posting tomorrow. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014


I want to attract the Bluebirds to my backyard.  I think they are so delicate looking and Beautiful.  Anyone have them in there yard???

It’s easy to see why eastern, western and mountain bluebirds are among the most beloved backyard visitors. With their gorgeous colors, musical voices and gentle habits, who wouldn’t want to welcome these beauties into the backyard? Attracting bluebirds can take some time and patience. But once you’ve won them over, they’ll bring their special bluebird pizzazz to any yard or garden.
Seven Tips for Attracting Bluebirds
attracting bluebirds
Bluebirds love mealworms!Pat Piercey
  1. Open it up. Bluebirds prefer open areas with low grass and perches from which they can hunt insects.
  2. Leave it alone. Dead trees provide important nesting and roosting sites for bluebirds and a whole host of other cavity-nesting birds. Leave dead trees standing (or leave dead limbs on live trees) when it’s safe to do so.
  3. Plant native. In winter, bluebirds add berries and other fruit to their diet, so planting trees and shrubs native to your area is a natural way to attract them.
  4. Just add water. A simple birdbath is often enough, but bluebirds are partial to moving water, so even a small fountain or dripper will make your water feature more enticing.
  5. Go chemical-free. Between spring and fall, a bluebird’s diet is mainly insects gleaned from the ground. Pesticides and other lawn chemicals are dangerous for birds that feed this way.
  6. Beware of roaming cats. Each year, cats kill millions of songbirds. Newly fledged nestlings are especially susceptible, so be a good bird landlord and keep your cats indoors.
  7. Offer mealworms. Feeding live mealworms can pose some challenges, but bluebirds find them irresistible, even eating them from people’s hands.

    attracting bluebirds

    And Look at this .... This is repurposed bowling balls..   I want to do this TOO.

    Bowling Ball Garden Art Ladybugs 

    "I got the Fever"

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

                 What's for Dinner???

I went to the Fridge to get left overs for my backyard chicks - Nothing.    So I decided to make cornbread and share with my pets.  While in the pantry getting the cornmeal I noticed three sweet potatoes that were getting soft. Had leftover rolls from the week end. And I had already taken out chicken breast out to thaw.  At this time I needed a cup of coffee, found two packs of chicken seasoning form roman noodles(noodles my chicks luv) where my coffee filters are.    That's when I decided I am going to make a mini Thanksgiving Meal since we have a small cold front on its way.   I made ""Roast Chicken Breast & Two Leg quarters,  mashed Potatoes,  Sweet Tater Casserole,  some awesome cornbread and white bread Stuffing,  Gravy from Chicken drippings,  of course beans..  I had a white Boston cream pie(cake) topped with strawberries I had in the freezer.

Was a wonderful Meal everyone luved it.   I started this procedure at 12 noon and was done at 4:30....
Very Proud Momma and Granny..... 

Wished it was that easy everyday....    Gotta Luv Life and Family....

Then It Was Nap Time.......

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Looks like an Empty Nest

WOW what a morning.  My daughter Jess told me she is moving out!!!!  She has two kiddos (my granbabies.)   They have lived her since birth.  Emily Grayce will be 7 this June and Brantley just turned 2 in Feb.  I am Blessed to have been  able to stay home with my children and then was so excited to be here for my Grandkiddos too. 

   Jess has just finished her MA schooling while working at a clinic and will be certified middle of April.  She plans on finish schooling to become a RN  this fall.  In the mean time She and her Beau  are moving in together.  She is going to stay home and spend the summer with her children before going back.

Like I said WOW.   What's a granny to do?  Talk about a total life change....