Monday, February 11, 2013

Starting Over

I started a blog back in 2009 by the same name.  Thing's came up and things went down.  My account with google didn't disappear but my blog is in the O-Zone somewhere.   I am working on starting it again..  WOW what have I missed!!!!  Where to begin AGAIN????   I hope to be back where I was soon.  I was on a wonderful web site called "CLUB MOM" joined it in 1996 and had so many GREAT friends from coast to coast.  Club Mom decided to change the name to Cafe Mom (with a lot of changes and deleting members to get the audience they preferred more than just simple Moms that wanted to share their photos and ideas to raise their kiddos in a simple promising way)  and went to the TOP and has been on ABC-CBS-NBC TV.. and they just shut down CLUB MOM down.  A lot of those Moms from C/M decided to go to face book to keep in touch and we still do. 

I am now ready to get back to my blog and finding  friends that enjoy life as I do and have the same interest as I do..
 God Bless........  ~Big Hugs & Lotsa Luv~